Monday 8 August 2011


No matter how many toys you buy your baby he or she will always find more interest in your pots and pans and just about everything else that sparks their curiosity except their own property. But don't let that detour you from getting great toys for your children. Play is an essential part of a child's development. Take a trip to your local toy store or go online and you'll be surprised at all the different brands/varieties and price ranges that you meet up with.

Building blocks: the bigger the better for smaller children. And lots of colour to help to stimulate that growing mind. Try different textures- children love the sense of touch.

Music and Sounds: Babies and young children love sound. Hence you constantly running and hiding you pots and pans. Who knows you might be raising the next Alicia Keys or Luther Vandross. My daughter has the LeapFrog learn and groove musical table- simple put; it has saved my life! Read some reviews

Stuff Toys: add music to a stuff toy and you have a HIT!

Books: You're never too young for reading. Books are a great way to spend time with your baby whilst teaching them about the world around them through sound, textures and colours.

Join child development websites. Great way to learn new things

Happy learning and exploring!

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