Friday 5 August 2011

Blogger's Block

So I decided to blog- Again! 
This is not my first attempt at creating and maintaining a blog but hopefully with lots of patience and a steady internet connection I'll be able to maintain some amount of consistency. Blogging to me is a way to relief one's self. You can ramble( which was my original name for this blog but it seems others share my view on ramblings) for hours which can lead to years and some individual out there will be able to relate  and find solitude in your thoughts- Weird isn't it.

So with this blog I'll offer my bits and pieces of information and tips. Throw in a few jokes and scandalous moments that should be kept to myself and make this blog thing worth the time. Let me say I'm not a writer( do I really need to be) and I am not trying to be but blogging just like facebook, twitter and those once popular websites HI5 and Myspace offers us a release from the treacherous world we live in. So here's to my escape!

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