Monday 8 August 2011

Let's Relax

Lets admit it- We all love to be pampered! But sometimes its just beyond our pockets to get the pampering and relaxation that we desire. But fear not homemade 'spas'  can make us feel like you just stepped out of a five star spa. What we need to create our own oasis can be found right in our kitchen pantry or in our little kitchen garden. Or for the busy woman at our neighbourhood pharmacy or supermarket

Have a girls spa day. Get all your ingredients and utensils together. Have facials and foots soaks and great conversation. Or simple have some me!You can prepare all your treatments before hand or have each of your girlfriends bring their products. Youtube is a great place to get lots of ideas. Here is one you can try:

Tools and Utensils needed:

Candles (scented is a lovely way to add to the atmosphere)

Facial steamer( a really good investment and it can be reused)-
Scrubs and facial peels( if you want to take the hustle of making your own treatments, there are great brands out there that you can use.) St. Ives Apricot Scrub for acne prone skin, it’s gentle enough to be used every day but still thoroughly removes dead skin and helps prevent new acne pimples from forming.Some other brands can be found here:

Facial mask- ( one of my favourite is Neutrogena Deep Clean long lasting shine control- Its a cleanser and mask in one. Leaves you skin smooth and fresh)

Bathe Scrubs: Caress Tahitian Renewal. Has a great scent that last all day and exfoliates as well.
Long handled natural bristle bath brush

Foot Spas: Great long term investment

 Do's and Don't
  • Try not to experiment too much with beauty products.
  • Do your research and read reviews. What works well for your sister may not work well for you. 
  • Buy authentic skin care brands. Imitations can cause breakouts and acne  and even cause redness and irritations.
  • Sunblock can save yourself
Some great brands to try 
Got this one as a christmas gift as few years back and loved this brand ever since. Great scents and products

Happy Pampering!

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